“Art is literacy of the heart” Elliot Eisner / “Arte não é pureza; é purificação, não é liberdade; é libertação.” Clarice Lispector

quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2024

It is raining brain

Emotions are your greatest teachers; listen to their wisdow.
Master of Emotions

The theme at Our Midweek Muse is weather this week but as I was creating my piece, my imagination carried me away and a question popped up in my mind:
how to balance emotions and mind in a frustrating chaotic world deprived of love, warmth and tenderness? The dehumanizing effect of a rational life has led us towards a replacement of traditions, values and emotions. Are our hearts truly open now? I am doubtful. We live an era of competition, efficiency, control and individualization. This shift of a collective social life to one which is self-centered and almost forgetful of common good has brought a lot of consequences and one of them is the destabilisation of traditional framework of identity and community. Is it better now? Well, only the next generations will be able to answer my question. 


domingo, 21 de julho de 2024


The girl you see in the picture is Nara Leão: The Muse of Bossa Nova as well as Helô Pinheiro was the Muse of The Girl from Ipanema. Nara died in 1989. Helô is in her 80's. These two women will always be a source of inspiration and enchantment for us. Besides I suppose we - Brazilian people love Muses. 

Linking up with Digital Whisper


Play Fair

The theme at Sunday Postcard Art is Sports. 

We don't to tell our dreams. We want to show them.
Cristiano Ronaldo 

The ambition should always be to play an elegant game.
( We miss you!)


sábado, 20 de julho de 2024

domingo, 14 de julho de 2024

Bird Girl

In order to see a bird, 
it is necessary to become 
part of the silence.
Robert Lynd

The theme at Sunday Postcard Art is Bird People.  Here is my contribution. 


sábado, 13 de julho de 2024

Bathing Beauty

This week theme at Digital Whisper is Bathing Beauty. It is odd to think about Summer when it is Winter in my country.  Although snow is a rare phenomen here,  it ooccurs yearly in the high plains of the south region in Brazil. It rains a lot during Winter
and Summer too.
It's been pretty rainy lately. I like Winter. It is good to sleep with the sound of the rain against my window pane.


terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2024


The theme for this week out  at Our Midweek Muse is Stars. So I decided to make a digital  paper collage. Stars have always been a source of inspiration for centuries. They simbolize hope and faith and nothing can soothe our souls more than a beautiful starry night.


I believe I can fly and you?

Hello My Lovelies!

How are you today? I hope you are well. Here is Winter and I love cloudy days. Hot weather is unbearable! Last Summer I thought we would evaporate here in Rio de Janeiro. Apart from that everything is under control. My girls are older. One of them is about to graduate at university and get married. I have four dogs and two cats. I am still working but I can retire now. I have been teaching for 34 years. Time flies so do I.
It 's been a while since I created something for Altered Book Lover. But I am back. 
I believe I can fly whenever my creative juices flow. They make me feel alive. 
And you? And Yes, T stands forwhat Art gives me: wings.

Also linking up with Try it on Tuesday


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