Hello My Lovelies!
How are you today? I am worn out. Mondays are very tiring. I get up at 4:50 am to go to work. It is very far. Two buses or one bus plus 2 ferryboats. I love ferryboats: they are charming. Most schools here start at 7:00 here and students have to wear uniforms.
As I am writing, my eyes are closing. It is 10:32 pm. So, forgive me but I don't have much to say today. My neurons have already put on their pajamas.
Have a creative week, my lovelies!
T stands for Tuesday
Ps: Patty, I used the watersoluble oil pastels to colour my drawing.

Have a good Tuesday!
ResponderExcluirHerzlich Pippa
I know how you feel, its 2pm and i want to sleep too but I wont as I will be up all night till midnight and not get any sleep again tonight. Sleep well and love that watercolour, I always choose TO DRINK tee hee
ResponderExcluirSleep well my friend- what a lovely page!
ResponderExcluirHappy T-Day!
This is a beautiful painting. And colorful, too. I know what you mean by needing sleep. In fact, I would have been here sooner, but I actually took time to sleep last night rather than stay awake and visit my wonderful T friends. So now that I'm awake, I'll say every day is a good day for drinking from one of those lovely cups. Thanks for staying awake long enough to share this beauty with us for T this Tuesday.
ResponderExcluirWhat an early and long trip you have Karla.
ResponderExcluirYou are very dedicated ♥ and your students are so lucky to have you!
Your art piece is wonderful and really made me smile.
Extra sweet to read that you gave the crayons a whirl :-)
Rest well sweet friend and have sweet dreams.
Happy T Day oxo
Now _that's_ what I call a commute! I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet, so the description of your day so far has me feeling very sleepy lol
ResponderExcluirLove your drawing dear...wow, you have real dedication to get up so early to go to work! hope you get fully rested and have sweet dreams! ♥
ResponderExcluirHope you had a good restful sleep.
ResponderExcluirThank you for sharing your drawing,
Hope our night was restful ♥ Love the painting !
ResponderExcluirI love your page! Even more..I love your ATCs which arrived at lunchtime today! They are so beautiful and I will be repeating myself later in an e-mail! Wow! That is some journey ..and at such an early hour too..now wonder you feel tired! Happy T day, Hugs, Chrisx
ResponderExcluirOh Karla! The most important thing to you is a good sleep, but the gorgeous page invite to drink a cup of your favorite drink before going to bed.
ResponderExcluirThat is one long trip to work and back! Hope you got a good night's sleep. I am tired, too, for moving reasons. Love your picture. I say--drink! drink! LOL! ;) Happy T-Day! :)
ResponderExcluirLove your drawing Karla! I used to get up at 3am to be at work by 5 ... get off at 2 and finally crawl into bed by 10 pm.... yeah by the time Friday rolled around i was wasted! Sleep well Happy Happy Tday! Hugs! deb
ResponderExcluirYour drawing looks great. Hope you get enough sleep.
ResponderExcluirHave a great week
haha, Neurons in Pyjamas, what a cute Imagination... your Schools start incredibly early. no wonder you feel tired at that time.
ResponderExcluirxo, johanna