1. Smile.
As the quote goes, “I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.”
2. Be there
for someone who needs you even if there’s nothing in it for you—give without
3. Make a
sacrifice for someone you love.
4. Admit a
mistake, even if it’s hard to say you’re wrong, and work to make amends.
5. Share
your struggles, putting your ego aside, to make someone else feel less alone.
6. Create
something that helps people. A song, a blog, a support group, a
non-profit—anything that inspires.
7. Help a
child feel good about him or herself.
8. Tell
someone what you appreciate about them, even if you feel vulnerable.
9. Forgive
someone without needing to hear the words, “I’m sorry.”
10. Create
positive energy around you by thinking positive thoughts and acting with
positive intentions.
11. Sit
with reality without judging anyone or anything.
12. Accept
someone for who they are instead of trying to change them to who you want them
to be.
13. Treat
people as they want to be treated.
14. Notice
something simple but beautiful in the world around you.
Acknowledge the beauty in others instead of feeling threatened or competing
with other people.
16. Be the
change you want to see in the world, as per Gandhi’s suggestion.
17. Tap
into your personal power and do something that makes a difference in the world.
18. Find
strength in a challenging moment. It’s not easy to do, and you deserve credit
for it.
19. Talk
kindly about the world around you instead of gossiping or complaining.
20. Forget
yourself for a minute and do nothing but listen to someone who needs it.
21. Measure
a person by their best moments, not their worst.
22. Give
yourself the same courtesy—focus on the good you’ve done, not the mistakes
you’ve made.
23. Take
the high road when someone hurts you instead if being cruel or catty.
24. Make
someone laugh. A smile can literally melt stress and pain away. How beautiful
of you to do that for someone else!
25. Make
someone cry—tears of joy that is. People want to feel moved, inspired,
motivated. Never underestimate the power of touching someone’s heart.
26. Keep an
open mind instead of sticking with a judgment or assumption.
27. Love
what you’re tempted to fear.
28. Be the
voice of optimism when the people around you need it badly.
29. Show
humility when your accomplishments would make it easy to stand above people.
30. Handle
rejection or failure with grace. It’s far more easily said than done—and it
sounds so cheesy and cliche—but accepting loss gracefully makes you a true
31. Show
unbridled enthusiasm for something that excites you. All children are
beautiful, and I think their unadulterated joy has a lot to do with it.
32. Hear
what someone means, not just what they say. Anyone can nitpick. Not everyone
actively works to be understanding.
33. Imagine
a world where people know peace, and do one small thing to create it.
34. Honor
the values that matter to you. Showing integrity is the first step to feeling
good about yourself.
35. Accept
and love yourself, just as you are in this moment.
Three Muses - white & blue

Beautiful work and accompanying words to live by!
ResponderExcluirWell, I suppose after that, that it's very difficult to be beautiful! Hahaha! Just joking :D
ResponderExcluirI love this little BEAUTIFUL cutie and the framing is sumptuous!
Thanks for advice, Karla;)
ResponderExcluirLovely girl and super beautiful elements,
A beautiful card, and so many ways to make the world a little better. Thank you.
ResponderExcluirTruth To Be. Very lovey piece. Sweet smile, girl and pretty butterfly's.
ResponderExcluirMine is up for Blue and White.Challenge.