“Art is literacy of the heart” Elliot Eisner / “Arte não é pureza; é purificação, não é liberdade; é libertação.” Clarice Lispector

terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

Yes, I did!


let's indulge ourselves together!

For T stands for Tuesday

Poetic Postcards
 photo pp3.jpg

12 comentários:

  1. LOL!

    This is just AMAZING!
    Brought a big smile to my face just now!
    Happy T-Day Karla!

  2. This is so darn cute! I hope that is salt on the spoon rather than sugar, so she floats when she dives in! Thanks for sharing your beautiful art today!

  3. Yes, let's! :) That cup & saucer is a fun one. :)

  4. I laughed and laughed when I saw this. You KNOW how much I adore your digital entries, and this one is simply FUN!

    Sorry I've been so busy and away from my computer so much, and have missed about half your faces. I hope the experience was a fun one for you because I've certainly enjoyed the ones I've seen!

  5. oh my goodness...love it!! plump pastries galore and a great tea cup. thanks for the smile!

  6. Joyously delightful!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  7. I love the postcard and the tinkle of the 'spoon on the cup' :) and especially the donut
    Happy T day :)

  8. HAHAHA!! love the postcard!!
    Happy Tuesday!

  9. HEE HEE! and Hooray for Elizabeth and her 30 paintings!

  10. Love, love, love it, made me laugh.
    Happy T-day


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