Oxum or Oshun is the Orisha of love, life, marriage, fertility and beauty, the African goddess of the sweet waters. Oshun is worshipped in Candomblé and Umbanda (Afro-Brazilian religions) and also in Santeria and Lukumi. All those religions draw inspiration from the African Diaspora featuring aspects of the religion of the Yoruba Orisha religion. Orishas if you don't know are religious deities that are said to represent human characteristics such as bravery, love and honor.
For Inspiration Avenue - Myth
Day 19
Poetic Postcards

Love the colours in this one!
ResponderExcluirInteresting story! Never heard of orishas ....
ResponderExcluirHow interesting! She looks gorgeous with all of the star designs :)
ResponderExcluirThe whole wonderful picture just glows. I like the stars and the little flowers.
ResponderExcluirGoodness. I learned a LOT today about how religions are interconnected with geographic locations. Very interesting information, and of course, the art is powerful, too. I really LOVE coming here each day to see what you have created.
ResponderExcluirYour goddess is beautiful! The information was really interesting as well.