“I am not a Sunday morning inside four
with clean blood
and organized drawers.
I am the hurricane setting fire to the forests
at night when no one else is alive
or awake
however you choose to see it
and I live in my own flames
sometimes burning too bright and too wild
to make things last
or handle
myself or anyone else
and so I run.
run run run
far and wide
until my bones ache and lungs split
and it feels good.
Hear that people? It feels good
because I am the slave and ruler of my own body
and I wish to do with it exactly as I please"!"
with clean blood
and organized drawers.
I am the hurricane setting fire to the forests
at night when no one else is alive
or awake
however you choose to see it
and I live in my own flames
sometimes burning too bright and too wild
to make things last
or handle
myself or anyone else
and so I run.
run run run
far and wide
until my bones ache and lungs split
and it feels good.
Hear that people? It feels good
because I am the slave and ruler of my own body
and I wish to do with it exactly as I please"!"
Charlotte Eriksson
Sunday Postcard Art
Hugs, Karla
Interesting piece!
ResponderExcluirthat is tooooo hot for me! P.
ResponderExcluirWow, fantastic !!!
ResponderExcluirThis was really intense Karla, and mind evoking too. We all have a fire within. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
ResponderExcluirLove and hugs
You work is on fire today, Karla! Seriously! Literally! Your work so perfectly supports the poetry by Eriksson--or is it the other way around? Well done!
ResponderExcluirThe strong poem and very hot vizual interpretation
ResponderExcluirof it works well, my fried.