Take a Word invited us to define beauty and it is so complex to depict such a subjective concept. Beauty is freedom in my opinion. I also find beauty in vibrant colors, in music, in flowers, in butterflies (and in animals in general), in everything vintage, in Tarot cards ( and in everything related to occultism), in Gypsy dance/ life, in living in freedom, in handmade art and craft, in the Roaring Twenties.
Before I leave, I'd like to share a song I love with you.
Take a Word convidou-nos a definir a beleza e é tão complexo descrever
um conceito tão subjetivo. Beleza é a liberdade em minha opinião. Eu também
encontro beleza nas cores vibrantes , na música, nas flores , em borboletas ( e
em animais em geral) , em tudo vintage, em Cartas de tarô (e em tudo relacionado
com o ocultismo ) , na dança / vida
cigana, em viver em liberdade, na arte feita a mão , no loucos anos vinte .
Take a Word
Thanks to Valentina's Creations
Take a Word
Thanks to Valentina's Creations
the gypsy queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.
ResponderExcluirI wish I could be and when I was a little girl/teen during dictatorship, I really wanted to be a gypsy queen but the circumstances didn't allow me or anyone to be one. Who can be freer than a gypsy?
ExcluirGorgeous colours.
ResponderExcluirWow Karla! This has all the mystery of what lies behind the curtain in a gypsy van - I love the great colours you have used! Hugs, Chrisx
ResponderExcluirLove the colors and textures here! Very gypsy looking! Love the idea of living by your own rules- and the gypsie kings too!
ResponderExcluirWonderful collage!
ResponderExcluirFabulous imagery, love all the color and your beautiful presentation.
ResponderExcluirEssa sua cigana é a das lendas, do oculto, de nossas fantasias, né Karla? Porque os verdadeiros ciganos, até onde sei, têm regras bem estritas, casam-se muito cedo com parceiros escolhidos pelos pais. Isso sem falar do preconceito que enfrentam em todas as partes do mundo (not my kind of freedom...)
ResponderExcluirEu sei das regras.Mas adoro essa coisa nômade.Sei que tudo é mais difícil para eles.No entanto, eles simbolizam a alegria e o mistério e eu adoro isso!
ExcluirSo colorful, elegant and beautifully made Karla.
ResponderExcluirA wonderful collage, Karla
ResponderExcluirKarla, you've managed to combine a few of my other feelings about beauty in your post...gypsies (have read endlessly about them...they fascinate me,) and of course music. I thank you for sharing my passions...😘
ResponderExcluirSuch an original take on the word, and a very empowering one too.