“Art is literacy of the heart” Elliot Eisner / “Arte não é pureza; é purificação, não é liberdade; é libertação.” Clarice Lispector

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2015

Carry your heart with you

Hello My Lovelies!

How are you all? Hope you are doing well. Is it too cold where you live? Here is very hot. It's 42ºC. Sometimes it's more than that. I am glad I am on holidays. It's good to spend time creating. Sometimes when I am tired, my muse leaves me but right now she's here with me and we have had long conversations not only about art and poetry but also about man's insanities. My heart goes to the people of France. What  happened there is a proof that we are far from understanding and respecting each other. Freedom is a magical word and only those who lost it like we did here during dictatorship know how much important it is. Right now I can see my father and I reading  a newspaper which  was against the system in the dark. Fear is a horrible feeling. It makes you crawl, it destroys your wings. 
And yes, "Je suis Charlie".


Paint Party Friday

Poetic Postcards
 photo pp3.jpg

9 comentários:

  1. Love your journal pages. Here it is cold, wet and very windy! Terrorists who try to destroy our freedom of thought and expression are so evil, but they will not succeed! Hugs, Valerie

  2. It is relative cold, +1 C, but it could be -30C, so I do not complain. +42 C is very hot to me!! Yes, freedom is magical word, but all of us dont understand what is mean.Feel sorry for France.

  3. I love the strong colors of your journal pages.

    Too cold in Finland!

  4. Yes we must carry our heart with us as it seems know-one else will.

    It is horrid what happened in Paris. Just got up and see on television. Lord give us peace in countries. Not wars. Life was to be meant to live in peace with each other. Not turn our backs and cause wars.

  5. What beautiful and inspirational journal pages. Yes our thoughts are with the people of France. Happy PPF

  6. Love your art! Yes so sad our species still has a long way to evolve at least some that is. Choose love,choose love choose love...hugs,Deb.

  7. Like I think I said to you before-it is freezing here in PA and I DO NOT like it one bit! I agree it is so sad that these horrid things still occur around the world on a regular basis. If only everyone sent out more love, like your beautiful painting.

  8. yes, karla, *je suis Charlie* also... it was horrible to see the days in agony after that terroristic attacks... let´s go on as fearless as possible, the terrorists must not win!!

  9. Wonderfully creative work ~ love your style ~ And yes, it is very cold in New England!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol


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