Good Morning My T- Friends!
I guess I am late today but better late than never. I hope you are well wherever you are no matter how cold or hot the weather is. I promised myself that my blog would be devoted to art but sometimes I break this rule to write what I feel. I do apologise if I stir your feelings but it is with immense sadness and fear that not only me but many of my fellow countrymen and countrywomen saw Trump became America 45th president. What a challenge the whole world has ahead! I only hope common sense prevails and Mr Trump can understand that planet Earth is vast and everybody has the right to be here.
Would you like some coffee? Have you ever tried yogurt bread or white cheese?
They are yummy yummy!
As I told you I have been quite introspective due to some uncontrollable circumstances and I guess that has somehow been affecting not only the way I look at life but also my art.
I chose Aristotle's quote to illustrate my pages:
"Friendship is two souls dwelling in one body."
Friends are very important in one's life and I am blessed because I have a few good friends and they are like a family. They helped me to be a better person in so many ways.
If you can't find majesty in yourself, nobody will. Self-acceptance is essential to survive in a world so biased and unwilling to rethink attitudes. Nah, I don't want to change the world. I just want to live in peace and irradiate sunshine of my heart. When I was young, I thought I would transform everything. A rebel I was! It is impossible not to be one when you live in a dictatorship. Now I look at my daughter and I see myself in her. It is interesting how things repeat themselves in the scheme of life. Wisdom is a privilege of maturity and I am glad I finally understood that truth.
I hope you have a magical week!

ResponderExcluirHappy happy T day........ i liked Trumps speech... i thought it was one of his better speeches... He is not the best speaker... he did not deliver it especially well but i did like it.. I have hope for Trump.. I think you are going to see a change in the man.. Probably not as drastic a change as some would hope... but a change... I agree alot with what Trump says.. I guess i'am part of that group... not everything mind you but enough to give him a chance... It embarrasses me to see the way we are treating our President ... I have never seen that before...and i'am almost 50... I DO wish someone would take away his Twitter To me a President should not have a Facebook or Twitter account... he should somehow be 'above' that...... any way... As always i enjoy your ArtJournal pages. They are lovely and heartfelt... Hugs! deb
I hope he changes too Deb! I understand he is worried about America but his speeches make me shiver. Only time will tell my friend!
ResponderExcluirKarla, I can understand you being shocked about Trump, I think we all are. Wherever we look in the world we have dictators trying to manipulate the people, and now Trump, too, awful. A sad day for the world and especially for the USA, the Land of the Free.
ResponderExcluirThanks for linking your beautiful art to AJJ, at the end of the month I am leaving the challenge.
Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
I know you saw the March photos I showed on Saturday. It was the same day Trump visited the CIA, where he has badmouthed them for some time. He could have healed the rift with the CIA, but instead, attempted to make himself look better. Even his supporters were a bit taken by it.
ResponderExcluirI didn't vote for Clinton, and I didn't vote for Trump. I'm a Libertarian, and stood with my party because I knew my vote would NOT count for anything, since my state has always voted Republican (like Trump) since I can remember. Personally, I think we should get rid of our system of electoral college votes and go with majority votes. Although I didn't like Clinton, she was a better or safer choice in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing your remarks about him, your beautiful art, your AJJ entry, and your coffee and yogurt bread with white cheese for T this Tuesday.
BTW, I watched his inaugural speech and I thought he spoke to his base, not the country. He didn't help the healing, but fired up his constituents.
I love your lovely pages dear Karla!Both quotes speak to me and they are made with so much love!
ResponderExcluirI agree with you about Trump and would love to talk about him during a breakfast with you with white cheese on yummie joghurt bread!
At least coming on one of these warm days you have now and enjoying breakfast and a day of sun - since here it is such a cold winter this year.
Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey!
Happy T-Day!
oxo Susi
I do hope he learns to hold his tongue. My greatest worry is that he sends us unto war...a big one that ends up with a draft. My boy will be 17 in a couple weeks...scares the heck out of me! Of course I could go on and on about more things that scare the heck out of me about where our nation is heading but I won't.
ResponderExcluirI loved your art!
Happy T day!
Your yoghurt bread with white cheese sounds and looks delicious - yum :-). What a heartfelt post with beautiful art work, wouldn't life be perfect if we all had the same ideal to live in peace and always have sunshine in our hearts! Happy T Day! J :-)
ResponderExcluirwhat wonderful art Karla. I feel the same as you do about friends.As for Trump, I have hope that it will be OK, and to be honest I've been OK with his latest speeches. Change is inevitable. Your yogurt bread sounds very interesting and I would definitely try it. Have a great week and happy T day!
ResponderExcluirNo, I've never had yoghurt bread and it sounds like an interesting combination. Is it sweet or savoury? Your pages are beautiful. I like the sentiments. In Christian circles there is a slogan for woman: reach for your crown. Which is the same as finding majesty in yourself.
ResponderExcluirTrump? No comment...
Happy T-Day,
Happy T Day my friend
ResponderExcluirSorry about your feeling and how they are affecting your life. Your artwork is still as beautiful as ever
Love Chrissie xx
It was a good post to read and see your beautiful art. Trump is in our News here in the UK and many feel he is an unknown quantity . We also wait to see how our Prime Ministers visit goes this coming Friday. Time will tell.
ResponderExcluirI have not heard of yogurt bread, but it does sound delicious.
Happy T Day
Yvonne xx
You are not alone in worrying about Trump. I have faith that our country can survive him, but I do worry about his carelessness of speech, his seeming willingness to buy into popular conspiracy theory, and his total lack of government experience. If I thought he was listening to experienced advisers it'd be different, but it doesn't look like that's happening.
ResponderExcluirOn the upside, the comedians are having a field day. The jokes practically write themselves.
Happy T Tuesday
Oh Karla I so agree with you about Trump. He's an embarrassment and will send my country backward-if you ask me. I'd love to sit down for T and have a good (and probably emotional) chat about him, but I'd rater be happy right now and tell you how much I love your art and how I have never had yogurt bread. Yet it looks yummy. And now I need to rewatch somewhere in time-which you mentioned in your comment to me. Hope it was a great T day, as I am a little late getting back today. Hugs-Erika
ResponderExcluirthe jogurt bread sounds yummy and i love to see you haven´t lost your art Juices!
ResponderExcluirabout T? i wish somebody would delete his twitter account... i barely can stand this.
hope and peace anyway, xox
Karla, your journal pages are lovely and wise.
ResponderExcluirI appreciate reading your perspective on Trump - coming from someone who grew up in a dictatorship. I can only imagine how horrible that would be. It's so sad that humans make the same mistakes over and over. We don't learn from history. I have hope for the U.S. and I pray. My (artistic) reaction to the whole situation was to create an affirmation card with the quote, "Sometimes God calms the storm. Sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms His child."
Like many other commenters here, I wish Trump would get off Twitter abnd start acting presidential! I'll march to that!
Yoghurt bread sounds yummy. I bet it's moist and goes well with cheese.
Happy T Day!
Lovely journal pages and sentiments about friendship!! it is a wonderful thing to find comfort and relaxation in the creation of art. try not to be fearful about our new president. I am trying to have faith in our Democratic system and the checks and balances within it. many prayers for guidance and wisdom are going up all over the world. I've never had yogurt bread, but it sounds lovely, and will gladly share some coffee and a chat! happy T day a bit late!