“There is one masterpiece, the hexagonal cell, that touches perfection.
No living creature, not even man, has achieved, in the centre of his sphere, what the bee has achieved in her own: and were some one from another world to descend and ask of the earth the most perfect creation of the logic of life, we should needs have to offer the humble comb of honey.”
- Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life Of The Bee, 1924
Bees are lovely beings.They make me think of Mother Nature's perfection. She works in mysterious ways.
For Tag Along - Bees
Poetic Postcards

This is a gorgeous, vibrant tag, Karla. You have great creative genes! Super combination of elements make this perfect for the Tag Along Blog Challenge this week!
ResponderExcluirFabulous collage of images to make a beautiful tag! Glad you joined in on the challenge this week at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
ResponderExcluirGreat collection of images, lovely tag